A Journey in Learning

Posts by Abdul Bhatti:

SQL and Python

Last month I have completed the majority of the Complete SQL boot camp. I wanted to learn the details about the SQL language to expand my ability to perform manual ETL functions in python. In my past posts I explained how I was able to run simple ETL scripts using […]

Preparing for Risks: WordPress Migration to an AWS LAMP stack

After finishing the Moodle site for my non-profit, I wanted to take a look at the WordPress site https://www.phillymosque.com. I read online that WordPress’s most recent update broke jQuery thus preventing me from editing or adding posts. I will need to update the old theme we have to a newer […]

Transferring SQL database to AWS, Aurora and Serverless architecture

Today I explored aurora serverless, I am currently working on migrating a website database to more available architecture. I started off by creating a serverless database and attempting to connect using a local MySQL program. After multiple attempts I realized that it was not working. I troubleshooted this issue over […]